Monday, June 2, 2014

“Obedience is central to becoming, being,

And remaining happy.”

David A.Bednar
I think it is true because when someone is obedience, that person is going to have a good future, and everyone is going to respect you. No one can be in respectful with you, because you're not a bad person that does wrong things. Being happy with your self’s the most beautiful thing that can happen to you. An obedience person, will go far away, because that person, have been respecting everyone. Just remember always choose the right!!!!

Life planning 100+ Goals report

I think I’m doing well with my 100 goals, because I had many victories in my notebook. Each day I read my goals before school and after go to sleep I read my 100+ goals. But I also have to do better, because I write what my goals are, and my goals are going to come true. I think my commitment to read my goals daily; can be to always read my goals before each time I go to eat, and always read for 2 or 3 minutes each day.
Class reflection
1.       What did you like best about this class?
The best about this class that I like is that my teacher know how explain everything. And I also like that I learned new things about computers.
2.       What did you dislike about this class?
I don’t really have anything that I don’t like in this class.
3.       What can you recommend to improve the class?

Something that I recommend to this class will be to have more free time sometimes not all the time.
4. What will you always remember about this class?
 I will remember all the good times that i had here, and also i will remember my classmates.