Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Student success statement
“Obedience…is the primary objects of all
Sound education.”

Elizabeth missing Sewell
Elizabeth Missing Sewell.jpg
I think it is very true because, you have the choice to be obedience and be a good person, that respect everybody, and the, will respect you too. Being obedient is a good way to show respect to others. What this quote is explaining is that you would have to be a great beginner as to obeying to reach to the point of having a great education. Having a great education is a great start to having a great future. Being accountable and obeying people having no trouble what so ever will/could lead to a tremendous education that will give you a life living good future.
Western Medical Doctor
Duties and responsibilities:  A western medicine doctor is almost the same as the Eastern medicine Doctor. They both are similar in the way of practicing alternative medicine and work. The western medicine doctor also prevents illnesses through methods such a acupuncture and medicine that will help with preventing disease.  The western medicine doctor has different practices and techniques compared to the eastern medicine doctors.
Salary: $30,000 – $75,000
Education: Students who want to pursue in this profession should take the most challenging high school courses in English, biology, Physiology and Anatomy. You need to have a Degree from any medical institutions that help with the knowledge of western medicine.

Reflection: I would like to be a western Medicine Doctor, because I like what they do. Also y like how they start working with their patients. I think this job is a good way to get out the bad things. Choosing the right always take you to the good things and put you in a good way to success in life. Always remember to choose the right and you never will have any problem with no one and everybody will respect you.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Student success statement

“Obedience sums up your entire duty”
I think that it is true because you show obedience to your family and you will have more freedom, and enjoy the time you would have with your friends and family. Obedience is the key to freedom. You have the choice to do the correct thing.
Eastern medicine doctor
Duties and responsibilities: Eastern Medicine Doctors assess a patient’s medical condition by reviewing their medical history, listening to the patient’s concerns, and performing a physical examination. They as well analyze the patient’s posture, spine, and reflexes. Conduct tests, including evaluating a patient's’ posture and taking x-rays.
Salary: $30,000 - $150,000
Education: Students who would like to become an Eastern Medicine Doctor are required to have a doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree- a post graduate professional degree that typically takes 4 years to complete.

Reflection: I don’t see myself doing this job, because I don’t like it and another one is that, I’m not that type of person that like doing this. I just don’t like this that’s all. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Student success statement
The more obedient we are, the
More freedom we have.”

boyd k packer
I’m agree with him because you have to respect the older people, and also respect your self’s. I think being obedient is a good way to show others how you really are, they may think the wrong thing but, you are what you show to others. Your personality talks about you but in reality you are in a different way. If you respect others, all they are going to respect you. Always do the right thing, and you never are going to have any problem with nobody. 

Obedience is a human behavioral quality that is characterized by the constant ability to respond to a command request from a social superior. For obedience to be valid, it needs to be in the presence of perceived legitimate authority figures and not peers or social equals. And also when you do something and you don’t talk back to your mothers, or anyone else.
Respect, admiration, and compliance.
Some of the examples;

It’s when you do something, but you don’t say anything back to the person that tells you to do something. . People have done harmful things because they follow orders given by authority figures. Authorities are usually fair and are role models but sometimes authority can act unfairly

Military medical careers
Duties and responsibilities: Each branch of the military has different needs and entrance requirements for medical professionals. However, one requirement all four military branches share is the physical health standards. Any minor physical weakness, or deviation, from the slightest vision or hearing impairment to flat-footedness, could disqualify you for acceptance into the military. Additionally, you would have to pass physical fitness tests and endurance tests as well. The standards do vary slightly amongst the branches, but generally the requirements are very strict.
Salary: $10,000 - $30,000
Education: The medical system of the Armed Services has a unique mission. Not only do they care for military members and their dependents in the United States, but they also must be ready to deploy and practice medicine closer to wherever a conflict may be. They also deploy on humanitarian missions to "win the hearts and minds" of those in foreign lands to prevent war. The mission of the military's medical system requires unique training; and thus they have their own unique training programs.
Reflection; I would like to be a Military medical careers
Because I like what they do. I think that If  get In any of those  works, I think it would be a good job to work on it , because I like what they do all the times.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Harmful effects and consequences of Drug abuse
The consequences of using drugs are that you affect the people that love you, and you get addicted. And you do anything to get drugs, you lose the control. You do anything to get money and buy some drugs. You don’t take care of the people that love you but you forget it when you consume drugs. Drugs kill your identity. Drugs lie, and the people that consume drugs believe that it is right. you are the only person that can change your life.

Student success statement
Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Benjamin franklin

I think it means that you have the choice to choose at what time you want to sleep.   How many hours do you want to sleep? If you sleep 8-9 hours you're going to be more preparing to the next day of school or work, wherever you go the next day. I think that sleep the correct hours is important to your health, because your health is the most important in your 
Oriental Medicine Doctor
Duties and responsibilities: oriental medicines practitioners use forms of acupuncture and treatment through the Chinese concept pf qi which means energy. Oriental medicines treat a variety of ailments including headaches, back pain, arthritis or other illnesses by identifying patterns of imbalance within a body’s energy.  
Salary; $30,000-150,000
Education: Education and training requirements vary state to state for becoming oriental medicines
Practitioner. Some practitioners are licensed to be a physician assistant and then take classes to become certified in oriental medicine

woman receiving acupuncture treatment with three medical professionals in the room (Photo: Photo courtesy of CCAOM)

Reflection: I would like to be an Oriental Medicine Doctor because I like what they do. Also I will be more educated getting this job and I will be more prepare to get any job that I May get in the future; it would be a good thing to help others.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Student success statement
“A wise man ought to realize that
Health is his most valuable possession.”

I think it is very true because, you are what your eat, if you have a good way to do, in your life. You have to eat healthy to enjoy this world and show others that you are a good person , in different way of others. Eating healthy is a good way to give a present to your body. Just eating healthy    

Sports Medicine doctor
Duties and responsibilities: A sports medicine doctor helps professional and amateur athletes stay healthy or recover from injury. Get information on the duties of this profession, learn about employment growth in the field, and find out about the education you'll need, including residency and fellowship requirements
Salary: $148,419-$174,330
Education: after obtaining a bachelor`s degree with a strong pre-medical curriculum you must attend an accredited medical school to earn a doctor of medicines degree or a doctor of osteopathy
Reflection: I would like to be a Sports Medicine doctor because I like what they do and all those things that I like. I think it is a good way to learn how to be a good man and be in a good shape, and you will be able to see the big change in your own life, you can live
more years and be healthier than others. You’re going to feel better with your self’s

Monday, May 12, 2014

Top 5 heart health tips
1.   Food: to have a  healthy diet
2.  Avoid smoking
3.  Keep an active life style
4.  Maintaining a good body weight
5.  Reduce your stress  

I need to wake up, more early, and eat healthy. In weekends go to the park to play with my family and friends. Also I need to drink more water, and eat vegetables. And have more responsibilities with my food. Don’t eat junk food
Student success statement
“Have the courage to say no.
Have the face to face the truth
Do the right thing because it is right.”

W. Clement stone

I  think it is true to have the courage, and always say no to the bad things and also, always show your face when you get in trouble, and remember to always choose the correct thing.

Duties and responsibilities: An acupuncture is a complementary health practitioner who takes a holistic approach to the maintain of health and the management of disease with a focus on improving overall well being. A acupuncture is an ancient Chinese holistic therapy based on the theory that the body depends on life.
Salary; 40,000-79,000
Education: Acupuncture is trained in anatomy, physiology and many other areas of science and medicine. They have comprehensive knowledge about the nervous system (i.e., central nervous system and peripheral nervous system) and the vascular system (i.e., deep vascular system and superficial vascular system) and understand the mechanism of action between insertion of acupuncture needles and the reactions of body tissues and nerves.

Reflection; I would like to be a Acupuncture because I like what they do and also I will learn how to do it , I think , is a good way to relax our self’s  , and also help too many people that may need my help.

Choose the right!!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014


I think all you have to do in this life is do the things with courage, because you know what right and what is not the right thing. Your life is going to be easier if you choose the right thing, that’s why you have to choose the right. Always 

Wellness professional
Duties and responsibilities: the main idea of a wellness specialist is to educate the public on how they improve their daily choices, prevent illness or access local resources. The method should be customized to the audience for example a wellness specialist working for a company may hold a seminar and make break room posters on preventative.
Salary: $43,842-$69,500
Education: a wellness specialist often has a degree in a related  
Discipline such as nursing, fitness or sports medicine.
There are not specific requirements but many positions require on the job training in additional to certification from accredited

Reflection; I would like to be a wellness professional because I like what they do, and also I can help to many people too. if i would be one of them , I really think that i can be one of them because , i need to study hard to make my goals come true.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Student success statement
“Act well your part; there all honor lies.
Alexander Pope

I think it is true because you have the choice to act the best that you can , You have your own decision people or maybe friends can tell you that , you can do bad things but it is not true. You have to make the right choice about what you really want to achieve in this life. Remember
Always choose the right!!

Duties and responsibilities: Orthodontist are specialized dentist who work to improve their patients smiles through correcting teeth alignment and guiding proper facial development.   
Salary: $84,000-180,00
Education: students who are interested in orthodontist should have their high school diploma or GED. Coursework in anatomy, chemistry, physicals, biology and anatomy are encouraged. Taking a foreign languages is also helpful, to people that just speak, Spanish or another language.

Reflection: I would like to be a Orthodontist because I like what they do, and ill help too many people that may need my help, like adolescents, family members and teachers. All  humans.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Student success statement
“I would prefer even to
Fail with honor
Than win by cheating

I think it is true because you can`t win something cheating, to someone

Or lie to others that believe on you, You win the respect you can`t lose it just doing
Something wrong, you have the choice of correct what is right and what is wrong , honor is a
Good and special thing that you win with respect and responsibility.

Oral care professional
Duties and responsibilities: The duties of a dental assistant are among the most comprehensive and varied in the dental office. Assisting the dentist during a variety of treatments producers, taking and developing dental radiography
Salary: $34,750-$70,210
Education: Dental hygienist typically needs an associate degree in dental hygiene. Bachelor’s degrees in dental hygiene are also available but are less common .A bachelor`s or master`s degrees is usually required hygiene.
Reflection: I would like to be a Oral care professional because I like what all them do  , and also I will get , very educate with this job , also I would help to many people to be more healthy and have a clean ,mouth.
Choose the right!!!!!